
您所在的位置:网站首页 taste yummy翻译 我喜欢苹果用英语写六句话


2023-03-06 09:35| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Apples are my favourite fruit . They are juicy , sweet and simply delicious . They also make great snacks because of their crunchiness. However , I do not like apples just for its taste , but also for its nutritious values. There's a saying that goes " An apple a day keeps the doctor away ." That is because apples are rich in vitamin C and fiber , and also low in calories . That is why apples are my favourite fruit.

I like apples. people like different kinds of fruits,but I like applesbest.You can see it everywhere.We can eat them any time.You see,it is red(maybe it is green)and ground.And when you eat it,you can taste sweet and alittle sour.don't you think it's yummy?


我喜欢苹果用英语一般疑问句怎么写? 我最喜欢的苹果英语作文带翻译





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